Coal - Animal Case


Status : Recovered and Released

Date of Admission : April 3, 2024 4:02pm

Species : Dog

Breed : Indie

Colour : Black Colour

Gender : Male

Approx age in years : 15

Current Location : AMTM Hospital

You will be redirected to a secure payment page. Donations are exempt from Income Tax under Section 80-G of Indian IT Act 1961 No.AADTA 0943KE2014 up to A.Y. 2026-27 Cert No F/41718/Mumbai

Case History
Coal is a 15-year old male dog found in Borivali West. He was brutally injured due to an accident case, leaving him paralysed, fractured and badly wounded. Your donations can help him surive this horrific incident and lead a healthy, pain-free life.
We are targeting to raise Rs. 55000 to cover his entire treatment.
Donate to save Coal!
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